Site01-c9300-01#show lisp eid-table vlan 1021 ethernet database address-resolution PortDB has 1 entries for interface Gi1/0/15, 1 dynamic HOST-01: site01-c9300-01#show device-tracking database interface gi1/0/15 Edge Node added both hosts to local device-tracking and LISP databases:.Tip: It is recommended to ping default-gateway from the end-host towards edge switch, not the other way round to avoid false conclusions related to ICMP packets being dropped by a firewall on the end-host device. Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/2 ms Both hosts (SITE01-HOST-01 & SITE02-HOST-02) that are connected in VLAN1021 and can reach their corresponding local anycast default gateway ( Reply sent from HOST-02 to HOST-01.ARP Request sent from HOST-01 to HOST-02.Resolve MAC address of the remote host connected in the same VLAN as the source host:.Resolve MAC address of default gateway by end-points (HOST-01 and HOST-02).Two main use-cases are presented in this document:

The focus is put on host-to-host communication (mainly ARP-Request), although the same techniques to troubleshoot can be used to troubleshoot MAC resolution of the default gateway, and for ARP-Reply. This document describes how to troubleshoot Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) in SD-Access fabric.